The idea for the F Factors began years ago on a flight from London to New York, .
I can be a bit of a talker on flights, however you may be pleased to know that I do look for the signs that my travelling companion is not up for conversation. The 'please, please don't talk to me' clues (in no particular order) are:

and, for those good at picking up more subtle clues, there is a general atmosphere of 'I am on this plane alone, and would like to keep it that way!'
The young man in the adjacent seat seemed woebegone. There was a sadness hanging in the air around him. I couldn't help myself. I had to check was he was OK. (I'm a classic rescuer, and extrovert!)
There was a sad story. A personal tale of loss and grief that he shared high above the world.
I can't tell you why I thought it was my place in the upper atmosphere to make him laugh.
"Women over complicate men", I stated, for no particular reason.
He looked puzzled.
"I think women look (and find) problems that, for men, don’t exist. From cleaning regimes through to cupboards full of shoes. Men find women fascinating but complicated and wish they would keep it simple. Women are complex and think men must be too - and need fixing."
My melancholy companion agreed and proposed that men only a few interests to keep them content and wonder why all the fuss has to happen.
I proposed that men only need four (4) passions/activities to keep them happy and they all start with "F"
Football, Fermented beverages, Fun and the obvious forever F.
He laughed!
We agreed that five (5) hobbies or passions would be a stretch and add complications and stress to male lives which they would rather avoid.
"Ah", he said, "but not all men have the same four (4) passions."
For hours we discussed the merits of each of the possible hobbies, passions and proclivities of the F Factors of the male of our species.
The idea of a blog, app or book germinated for years.
Finally, with the advent of cheap hosting plans, domain names, and social media The F Factors is born.
Beginning with a blog, a store and then an app - The F Factors will explore the male lifestyle and the feasibility of the female (or perhaps another male) to find those lifestyles and preferences acceptable over a long term relationship.
Why? I've been married since the dawn of time and experienced and observed many relationships. How they work - or don't.
Disclaimer: All blogs and other material on this site are opinion only and should be taken as a humorous look at relationships, with no ill intent. If you, as reader, find yourself offended at any point, just find another website more to your taste - there's so much out there that will support your opinion.